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D. Peter Stonehouse [4]D. P. Stonehouse [1]
  1.  41
    A new modus operandi for the agricultural economics profession.D. Peter Stonehouse - 1997 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 10 (1):55-67.
    Agricultural economics has, until the 1990s, enjoyeda reputation for relevance and usefulness to theagri-food industry and policy-makers. Thatreputation has been jeopardized by a growinginfatuation with models and quantification, and aconcomitant underemphasis placed on many complexproblems and issues of society. An illustrativeexample is explored, using agriculturalactivity-related damage to the natural resourcebase, environment and ecology. Agriculturaleconomists are urged to respond by broadening theirterms of reference and joining forces with otherdisciplines.
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  2.  44
    S. dabbert, A. dubgaard, L. slangen and M. Whitby (eds.), The economics of landscape and wildlife conservation.D. Peter Stonehouse - 1999 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 11 (3):247-249.
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  3.  68
    A review of WTO and environmental issues. [REVIEW]D. Peter Stonehouse - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 13 (1):121-144.
    Multiple negotiating rounds of the GeneralAgreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and World TradeOrganization (WTO) since 1947 have conferred economicbenefits through liberalized international trade. Agrowing body of evidence also points to linkagesbetween liberalized trade and damage to the globalenvironment, ecology, and natural resource base.Ironically, the increased economic well-beingconferred by trade liberalization ultimately providesthe basis for improved environmental protection. It isthe interim environmental damage due to tradeliberalization that is controversial and needingamelioration. The proposition here is to promotefurther trade liberalization, but only (...)
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  4.  68
    M.r. Redclift, J.n. Lekakis and G.p. Zanias (eds.), Agriculture and world trade liberalizationcolon; socio-environmental perspectives on the common agricultural policy. [REVIEW]D. Peter Stonehouse - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (1):103-105.
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